Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Marriage Is Vital!

Life is divided into 7 stages. These are birth, education, career, marriage (parenting inclusive), retirement, death and finally history.

It is very vital that these stages are well managed such that one does not regret his life. Of all the 7 stages, Marriage, which is stage, is so fundamental that failure in it could inevitably amount failure in the rest. How? Failure in marriage is so fundamental that once experienced, it is capable of destroying all the achievements the victim has achieved. For instance, a brilliant fellow with good academic and career prospects but who married a wrong wife or husband might end up his life in pieces!

Yet 'incompatibility' the most fundamental factor that leads to marriage failures is always seen in advance.  Yet people close their eyes to it and venture into a relationship that will not work.  It is even worse when you are religious about it.  Not everyboy or girl you see is suitable for you whether they are found in our religious settings, schools, social clubs, and so on.  For everyone, there's a suitable partner.  But do we bother to find out before we choose?  That's the question!  We are ging to concern ourselves with answering these questions in the articles to follow.  Better still, we have seminars designed exclusively for Singles that will provide an opportunity for one-on-one interaction and discussion of these vital issues.

I courted my wife for 7 years (Iam not saying yours should be that long!) .  I am now over 25 years in what I consider a 'blossoming' marriage.  Mark my words:  I did not use the deceptive word 'blissful' for in practical sense, every marriage faces its own challenges. Our children are happy. We ourselves are happy.  How did I do it? How did we do it!  As we interact, you will be informed. Happy reading.